Wednesday, December 31, 2014

CFS Release: Mwah

Big Happy New Year wishes to you all! I've sure missed everyone in blogland over the holidays. Hope you had some wonderful times with family and friends!


What better way to start the new year than with some new stamps?! The next three days we'll feature new Valentine and love-themed sets from CAS-ual Fridays.

This project uses every single stamp in the new "Mwah" set (obviously I just couldn't decide which ones to use!) I was going for the subway art style, mixing text and objects, as well as different fonts. Really love how it turned out, and am considering leaving this up after Valentine's Day.

 I left the glass off the frame so I could pop up the stamped panel on two layers of chipboard. The background paper is from Crate Paper. I think the pattern works well since there isn't any white in the design, so the white panel completely stands out.

I know most people like seeing cards, so here's what it would look like as a traditional card. 

You can laugh at me, but I almost always stamp everything ahead of time on a quarter sheet of copy paper. I have to know if it's going to work or not, right?! So for a different project, I folded this quarter sheet in half and cut out a heart to use for a template. When I was cleaning up my desk, I threw this and some other scraps away. The next day I saw it in my garbage on top of some solid red paper and thought it would make a pretty decent card as it was. Indeed! Sometimes you can't think too much about it : )

[PS. since it's on copy paper I'd probably only give this to my kids, but one day I may stamp it again on "real" paper]

I'm SO in love with the large script font in this set! It mixes so well with other heavy, solid fonts. And, it's large enough to stand on its own. Here it's just been stamped across the flap of an envelope. So easy, but I can totally see myself doing this on all the cards I send.

The glitter heart is from a set that's debuting tomorrow, so please come back to check it out if you're in the area!

You're not going to want to miss checking out the other Ink Squad girls:

Thanks for looking!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Fun Family Christmas Party Games to Try

Want to get everyone out of their chairs at your family Christmas party? We had a few Minute to Win It games after dinner this year and it was SO FUN to see everyone cheering, yelling, and jumping up and down. 

A key to our success is that we got all the adults to play, in addition to the kids. I recruited an older cousin to write everyone's name on a paper, and randomly divide the family up into four teams of 8. Two teams of adults and two teams of kids. For each game, each team selected a member to participate (without knowing what the game will be) and then we announced the game and rules.

We started with a challenge to hang an ornament on the Christmas tree without using your hands. People used their mouth ...

... and their forearms. If we do this game next year, I'll have them start with the ornaments in a bowl on the other side of the room, and then transport the ornaments to the tree without their hands as well. This game was a little too easy.

The next game was to stack as many plastic cups as you can with one hand in a minute.

Since we had four teams competing at once, and we only had about 80 cups, we ended up seeing which team finished stacking their cups first. They finished in about 30 seconds, so if you want this to last a minute plan on 40 cups per person. Also, we had to re-do the first round because we had an onlooker topple one of the contestants' stack of cups.  

The next game was to unwrap a present as quickly as possible with mittens on. I may or may not have intentionally given the mittens with the cute face to my manly cousin who used to work security at The Bellagio in Vegas.

My mom shocked everyone by finishing in lightning speed. She's the one at the end waving the box above her head. After the party, my mom said winning the present unwrapping game was her favorite part. OK, totally worth it all!

This game is to toss as many peppermint mini marshmallows into a Christmas pail in one minute. You can only throw one marshmallow at a time. We also lined people up according to their arm span ... so the kids got to be a little closer than the adults.

I didn't realize until after I downloaded the photos that my older son was lying on the floor in front of the table with his mouth wide open. Trying to catch stray marshmallows, it looks like!

Some teammates offered themselves up as a human backboard to increase their chances of winning!

Again, all the cheering made everything so much more fun, and was extremely contagious. I'm on the Winnie & Walter blog today showing how to make the peppermint Christmas tins if you want to stop by.

Our last game was perhaps the most fun, and the one we repeated until everyone on the team had participated. You put a cookie on your forehead and try to get it into your mouth without using your hands. If it falls you have to start over with the cookie on your forehead. 

This game was probably the most fun to watch, and resulted in the best pictures! Oh my gosh, I was laughing so hard!!

Everyone was either laughing, cheering or taking pictures.

These games were so much fun, we had to watch them again and again right afterwards. Somehow they were even funnier on the video!
Here's a summary of the games (which I got from this post on The Mason Family Blog you've likely seen floating around Pinterest). I've included the supplies needed after each game. It's also helpful to have a long table to line your contestants behind and set the game supplies on:

- hang ornaments on tree without hands (one ornament with a hanger for each team);
- stack cups with one hand (40 plastic cups per team);
- throw marshmallows in a tin (Christmas-themed marshmallows, Christmas tin for each team);

- get cookie from forehead to mouth without using hands (cookies); and
- unwrap present with mittens (a well-wrapped present with lots of tape and a pair of mittens per team).

Hope you're able to try some games this year! We honestly had a blast seeing everyone have so much fun. It was a highlight of the party.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Feature on Paper Crafter's Library

Just a quick note to let you know I'm over at the Paper Crafter's Library today. If you have a minute I'd love to see you stop by!


PS. I've only made it through a small percentage of posts from yesterday's tribute to Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking. If you haven't hopped yet, WARNING: HAVE A BOX OF KLEENEX HANDY. You may need it, even if you're not a crier. Everyone's post that I've read is so touching and heartfelt. Jennifer McGuire is the start of the hop.

Fusion Challenge: You'll Never Guess What Happened!

Yay, my first honest to goodness December Daily page is complete! I feel part of the DD club now : ) Let's see how long I can keep this going!!

This page is inspired by the photo and the sketch in the current Fusion Challenge.

It tells the story of how it's always stressful taking formal pictures of the boys because they don't sit still and have difficulty smiling at the same time. This year really took the cake, however, which you'll see when you turn the page ...

are you ready?!

...brace yourself...

... it gets ugly ...

Yep, it happened. Logan actually PUSHED Jackson forward. Right into the biggest section of mud in the whole forest preserve, I'm sure. There really wasn't a speck of clean pants in that whole mess. When asked what on Earth he was thinking, Logan replied that Jackson was moving too slowly. We took a break for a snowball fight and I guess afterwards Jackson didn't return to the ottoman quickly enough. 

I can't believe I had my wits about me and managed to take a few pictures before I started screaming and carrying on. I must have yelled pretty loudly because Jackson didn't even complain at all to Logan ... he felt I had expressed it all. Unbelievably there were another two pairs of pants for Jackson in the car since, crazy as this may sound, I was thinking about changing his pants if we took pictures on my gray/green bean bag instead of the brown leather ottoman (the warm tan of his pants didn't look right on the gray/green ... I know, way too detailed. It's why I don't get a lot of things done!)

I ended up laughing about it EVENTUALLY, and Logan felt so bad that he was exceedingly cooperative for the rest of the photo shoot. Including climbing into a log for a photo op (Jackson refused on account of any mysterious animals that might be in there). It's a memory, that's for sure!

Back to the page ... so excited to have pine cones just like the inspiration photo (these are from Winnie & Walter), and that they go with the photo of the kids in the woods. Perfect match!

Here are some fabulous cards by our design team!

WinnersWill be chosen by all of our teammates in two weeks. We each will choose one favorite. The winners will be announced at 4 am (PST) in two weeks!

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking Special Thanks Blog Hop

Welcome to the blog hop honoring Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking! If you're hopping along you've just come from Glenda Wyatt's blog. A big thanks to Taheerah Atchia and Veronica Zalis for the countless days spent organizing this tribute to PC&S!

From the very beginning of my relationship with Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking, they have opened their arms and made me feel so welcome in this wonderful paper crafting community. I remember when I got my first project acceptance email Susan asked me where I'd heard of Paper Crafts. Searching through my sent mail, I found my reply, and would like to post it here as it sums up my feelings 2 years later:

This is indeed the first time being in your publication. I found out about you through ... well, it's hard to say really. You're everywhere! Paper Crafts Magazine is the only quality publication (in my opinion, aside from the Somerset series which targets a more artsy audience) featuring card making and other paper crafts. I found the publication calls on your blog and have since become a follower (Moxie Fab too). After blogging for almost a year, it's become common knowledge that you are the experts, and all the "stars" of the paper crafting world are featured in your publications. So that's where I'd like to be too!

Little did I know then what wonderful PEOPLE were behind this most esteemed paper crafting magazine. Susan, Jennifer, Kerri, Stacy, Holly, AND CATH (who will always be a part of this crew) are such genuinely caring, trendy, forward-thinking, inspirational, and just plain FUN people. They are wonderful to work with, and I'm always amazed at how quickly Susan replies to emails. She must get hundreds per day and you're pretty much guaranteed a response within the hour. Now that's a woman on top of things!

Here's the card I'm sending for them. I found this in my "to be submitted" shoebox, and I'm pretty sure it was originally created for a sewing/stitches publication call.

I drew the face and legs of the "ewe" with a black marker, and then sewed a bunch of french knots on the card to make the sheep's body.

Here's the envelope I made for the card along with a peek inside of the card. I really enjoy going through my scrap drawer to find bits and bobs to fancy up the inside. It's a much more organic way to create, vs. having an idea of what you want to create and then executing it. Don't the red swirls look like a sheep's curls?!? Hahaha, OK, it's just me then : )

I know this can't be the end so I will just leave with a warm shout-out to the PC&S staff:

"Sincerest thanks for all the opportunities you have blessed me with. I am incredibly grateful, humbled and honored. See ya later!"

[and to Susan I'll say, "see ya in a month at CHA!!!"]

Now you're on to the fabulous Michelle Lupton who has a gorgeous floral creation to share.

All these people want to thank you, Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Magazine!
1. Lisa Henke  72. Katie Gehring  143. Kim Hughes  
2. Kelly Latevola  73. Jennifer Cuthbertson  144. Becky Olsen  
3. Lesley Croghan  74. Cecilia Hsieh  145. Kim Heggins  
4. Jennifer McGuire  75. Laura Sterckx  146. Ashley Harris  
5. Taheerah Atchia  76. Donna Bowman  147. Susan Liles  
6. Veronica Zalis  77. Rachel Kleinman  148. Darnell Knauss  
7. Laura O'Donnell  78. Ellen Hutson  149. Donna Hitz  
8. Julia Stainton  79. Tanis Giesbrecht  150. Miriam Prantner  
9. Lorena Cantó  80. Marcie Sharp  151. P. Kelly Smith  
10. Amy Tsuruta  81. Danielle Walls (Neat and Tangled)  152. Yana Smakula  
11. Piali Biswas  82. Beverley Brown (Uniko Studio)  153. Nichole Heady  
12. Rae Barthel  83. Tracey McNeely  154. Altenew  
13. Jessica Witty  84. Laurie Willison  155. Alice Golden  
14. Annette Witherspoon  85. Bev Gerard  156. Cath Edvalson  
15. Gayatri Murali  86. Nina Yang  157. Cindy Lawrence  
16. Maria Fischer  87. Barb Housner  158. Karen Dedman (Your Next Stamp)  
17. Laura Williams  88. Clare Prezzia  159. Sandy Allnock  
18. Lisa Arana  89. Tasnim Ahmed  160. Operation Write Home  
19. Wendy McGaffey  90. Joyce Mehrberg  161. Jennifer Ingle  
20. Heather Hoffman  91. Sabrina Alery  162. A Creative Journey with Melissa  
21. Cristina Kowalczyk  92. Waltzingmouse Stamps  163. Yvonne Yam  
22. Lynn Mercurio  93. Leigh Penner  164. MFT  
23. Jamie Greene  94. Jenn Shurkus  165. Shemaine Smith  
24. Lori Tecler  95. Kimberly Wiener  166. Spectrum Noir  
25. Susie Wittwer  96. Amber Hight  167. Nicki Scheck  
26. Jocelyn Olson  97. Lindsay Amrhein  168. Asty Purbasari  
27. Chaitali Narla  98. Shelly Kurth  169. Danielle Pandeline  
28. Hero Arts  99. Mayuri  170. Isha Gupta  
29. Nadine Perez  100. Vera W. Yates  171. Jen Carter  
30. Sarah Martina Parker  101. Connie Mercer  172. Mendi Yoshikawa  
31. Laura Bassen  102. Audrey Tokach  173. Keren Baker  
32. Lori Barnett  103. Paulina Nakamura  174. Trinh Arrieta  
33. Deepti Malik  104. Reverse Confetti  175. Tenia Nelson  
34. Tessa Wise  105. Libby Hickson  176. Angie Tieman  
35. Karen Baker  106. Yoonsun Hur  177. Lawn Fawn  
36. Tifany DeGough  107. Maureen Plut  178. Lydia Evans  
37. Virginia Lu  108. Jessica Pascarella  179. Samantha Mann  
38. Ruza Rebel  109. Lynn Mangan  180. Kymona Tracey  
39. Emily Leiphart  110. Mariana Grigsby  181. Jess Moyer  
40. Ashley N Newell  111. Shery Russ  182. Kathy Martin  
41. Jennifer Rzasa  112. SRM Press  183. Joni Andaya  
42. Dana Warren  113. Sarah Jay  184. Debbie Marcinkiewicz  
43. Amy Kolling  114. Anabelle O'Malley  185. Lisa Johnson  
44. Wanda Guess  115. Michele Boyer  186. Laine Webb  
45. Kalyn Kepner  116. Clare Buswell  187. Bethany Stellpflug  
46. LauraJane:)  117. Angel Rivera  188. Melania Deasy  
47. Tammy Jackson  118. Laura Pryor/Lil' Inker Designs  189. Ivanka Lentle  
48. Karolyn Loncon  119. Beth Pingry  190. Sweet Stamp Shop  
49. Heather Campbell  120. A Jillian Vance Design  191. Jeanne Jachna  
50. Niki Garcia  121. Jillian Vance  192. Emily Branch  
51. Erin Schreiner  122. Bunny Vance  193. Anja Bytyqi  
52. Vanessa Menhorn  123. Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L  194. Chameleon Pens  
53. Simon Says Stamp  124. Kristie Larsen  195. Francine Vuillème  
54. Donna Mikasa  125. Maureen Merritt  196. Newton's Nook Designs  
55. Lin Brandyberry  126. Heather North  197. Alicia Thelin  
56. Giovana Smith  127. Nina Brackett  198. Sarah Moerman  
57. Brenda Weaver  128. Clearsnap, Inc  199. Winter Sims  
58. Glenda J. Wyatt  129. CAS-ual Fridays Stamps  200. Amber Kroening  
59. Kelly Griglione  130. Lori Craig  201. STAMPlorations  
60. Michelle Lupton  131. Lydia Fiedler  202. Avery Elle  
61. Michelle Williams  132. Julie Campbell  203. Caryn Davies  
62. Lyndal Higgins  133. Lea Lawson  204. N@ Ali  
63. Elena Roussakis  134. Taylor Usry  205. Amy Sheffer  
64. Kara Vrabel  135. Jill Dewey Hawkins  206. Nance Salkeld  
65. Michelle Woerner  136. Chunyuan Wu  207. Meredith MacRitchie  
66. Amanda Coleman  137. Melissa Cash  208. Jill Norwood  
67. Winnie & Walter  138. Annette Allen  209. Penny Ward  
68. Cheiron Brandon  139. Carisa Zglobicki  210. Karin Åkesdotter  
69. Kristie Goulet  140. Crafter's Companion US  211. Yainea Nuñez  
70. Kimberly Crawford  141. Stephanie Muzzulin  212. Lucy Abrams  
71. Lalo IK  142. Alice Wertz  213. Mama Elephant  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, December 1, 2014

CAS-ual Fridays: Christmas Carols

One more sale for you today ... CAS-ual Fridays Stamps has one of their best-selling Christmas sets on sale Cyber Monday. The Christmas Carols stamp set is 25% off for today only.

Christmas Carols

The sentiment is slightly curved and is from Christmas Carols. The Christmas tree was built using both sizes of the Truth Blooms dies. As the dies go up to build the tree I cut some length off. I had red sequins on the tree originally for ornaments, but it seemed a little much so I used two different sizes of green sequins instead.

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

CAS-ual Fridays: Truth Blooms Fri-Dies

The last of our CAS-ual Fridays Fri-Dies release is a large and small bloom that coordinates with the flowers in the Truth Is stamp set. Or, as you see here, can be used on its own … as a butterfly!

The edges of the “wings” are curled up a little. With the two layers of wings, it would be fun to make these in all sorts of patterned papers. The clouds are from the Bubble Labels die, and the “hello” sentiment is from the Wallflower set. A golden thread is wound around the card to mark the butterfly’s path (secured on the other side with washi tape).

We’ve got one more post tomorrow … an existing Christmas set that is going to be on sale for Cyber Monday. That card will also show a different way to use these Truth Blooms Fri-Dies. Stay tuned!

More inspiration waits for you with the rest of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Design Team:

Thanks for looking!