Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Colorado Craft Company STAMPtember Release - Use Those Tiny Stamps!

Hello Friends! Do you sometimes overlook those tiny stamps that come with your sets? I do all the time, and often need to remind myself to use them. They might not seem like a big deal individually, but when you can add them to the main image they often enhance, or at least give you some different looks. 

Here's a good example. This is from the new My Muse set for the Colorado Craft Company STAMPtember release. The main image of the little mouse artist is adorable, and it's amazing how well he can paint with that giant brush he found!

You can see the extra tiny roses included - on this card I used them to stamp a coordinating background on the card base. Since I stamped the main image on a smaller panel, I wanted something to show behind it - either another cardstock layer, or in this case the stamped background. 

For this card I used the tiny stamps to add to the floral masterpiece Mr. Mouse created. It really fills whatever space you have nicely. You could make the whole card floral if you wanted - the choice is entirely up to you!

I just noticed the stamp and die set is sold out already, but as of now the My Muse Stamp Set is still available. 

Hope you're having a great week! Thanks for stopping!!

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I absolutely love reading comments. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave one! - Kelly